Freedom Line Logo

Actors from Bishop Payne Autobiography

The second floor of the Library is focused on bringing the books of the first floor to life through artistic interpretations [(I.E. Development of plays based on the books, Murals, sculptures, interpretive dance). 

"Further inquiry into the course pursued, and the character of the persons engaged in the work, reveled such well-established and well-conducted plans, such nobleness of purpose, such an amount of secret charity and unrecompensed labors freely given, that the idea suggested itself the true Christian principles and commendable works of those noble philanthropists, should not be allowed to die with the time in which they lived." Dr. Robert C. Smedley 1872

2. The retail segment of The Freedom Line, starting in February of 2004 will be more expensive, as well as more lucrative. This retail line will be open to international markets. Because young people are a significant force in the international market, the liberty based products, inspired, created and marketed by this influential force will achieve phenomenal success. This segment will be comprised of by products of the children's creative work. For instance; murals done by the children will become a traveling exhibit here and abroad. The by products of the mural will be T-shirts, post cards, calendars etc. The music inspired by the children will be put into C-D and marketed. The Dance and Re-enactment plays will be promoted throughout New York State and Europe. All the by products resulting from the initial design whether Art, Sculpture, dance, music, poetry, for plays will be marketed by the children for the purpose of funding their future dreams, the Anti-Slavery International, The International Underground Railroad Library, The Albany School district, as well as Arbor Hill and the South End. The following is a breakdown on what we perceive this segment to be.

a. Students from the Albany School district will be the core participants of the program . After a group discussion of a book, a written proposal will be submitted; This description will outline the way in which they will honor the particular struggle for freedom explained in their book of choice, for example a mural, a poem, song, dance, re-enactment, sculpture.

Re-enactment with students from Queensbury, N.Y. High School

b. The project will receive Mentors to assist with the Artistic content from the college or Universities best suited to provide that assistance. Prospective participants may be students, or professors from: The University at Albany, The College of Saint Rose, Union College, Siena College and others. 

b. Mentors from University at Albany, and/or College of Saint Rose, Union College, Siena College and others, will assist in the development of the business and marketing plans for the projects. The business Mentors will provide to the board a business plan for the project; including the breakdown of cost and the proportion that will be awarded to the participating students. This amount will be deposited into their Freedom Account.

 The cost includes all materials needed for the project as well as all marketing costs. After cost the remaining funds will be distributed to the following organizations, and individuals: The International Underground Railroad Library, Anti-Slavery International, The Albany School district, as well as Arbor Hill and the South End, including the proportion that will be awarded to the students participating in the project. The cost will vary upon the projects the students decide upon. A final budget proposal and marketing plan will be submitted to the Society's Accounting firm of Mitchell and Titus, and then to the appropriate bank for funding.

d. Mentors from Albany Law School, along with advisors will begin the process of legally protecting the student's finished product and establishing a Freedom Account for the students involved in the project. 

Mentor from Albany Law School

e. Mentors will have the opportunity of establishing full time careers after graduation with the program.

f. The Freedom Account in essence is a savings account aimed at helping the children accomplish their dreams. Students that publish, inspire, manufacture, paint, write, sing, or dance their inspiration of Freedom generated by one of the books on the first floor, will have a Freedom account (savings account) established in their name. Students that become involved in the business end or marketing of the projects will also have a Freedom account (savings account) established in their name.

g. By benefiting from this program the students are obligated to return this aid in some form to their community.

The Freedom Line Program was created by our Director of Program planning and Development. The program pairs high school students with students from area Universities. It spans many fields of study and interest. The Mentors will be guiding students in their specialty including but not limited to Business, Marketing, Computer programming and Web Design, Economics, Accounting, Law (particularly Intellectual Property, and Not-for profit law), Political Science, American History all periods, International History, Public Speaking and Negotiating. Other Mentors will be involved in the creative end of the project that deals with Artistic interpretation, including theatre, interpretive dance, painting, sculpting, writing, computer graphic design etc. 

Canvas mural of the life and times of Solomon Northup - Saratoga mentoring program

The program is designed to preserve an important part of history. The program accomplishes this goal by preserving and promoting history through various products. Additionally and most importantly a percentage of the proceeds from the sale of these products goes to fund the worlds first and only International Underground Railroad Library and the Anti-Slavery International. We wish to be able to offer these opportunities to other New York State Schools in the future.

The opportunities for the community and the participants of this program are tremendous. It truly is a multi disciplinary program that spans the gap between young Elementary, Secondary, High School and promising college students. It is a program that can be an integral part of revitalizing a community that played a significant role in the Underground Railroad. This program will inspire young people to follow their dreams with resources generated by their own productivity. The program will also encourage the participants to invest time and money into their neighborhood. 

Finally this program will provide the funding to open and maintain the World's first and only International Underground Railroad Library and help our joint fund raising partner Anti-Slavery International end slavery and oppression in our world today... 

The underlying wish of those involved in the International Underground Railroad Library and Anti-Slavery International is that this generation of young people will answer the Universal call for social change.

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Historical Society for the Preservation of the Underground Railroad
PO Box 8436
Albany. NY 12208
1-888-994-SPUR (1-888-994-7787)